Members attended representing all societies on the committee, with the following exceptions from whom apologies were received
Fr Seán O’Doherty (Hon President) Dermot Ryan (Hon Sec.) Frank Taffe (Hon. Editor).
Joe Williams was replaced by Joan Steed.
Chairman Larry Breen presided.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.
Arising from the minutes it was agreed that a booking would be made with National Museum at Collins Barracks for the four scheduled dates of these meetings.
These dates are to be;
Dec 11th 2010, March 12th 2011, June 18th 2011, and Sept. 10th 2011.
It was also pointed out by Pádraig Laffan that having a small number of meetings on fixed dates enables prospective members of the federation committee to have the extent of their commitment laid out in advance, which should assist in encouraging committee membership.
The Chairman Described the response he had had from the FULS committee and delegates concerning the recent Urban Experience joint North /South seminar.
He said that they described themselves as being overwhelmed wit the welcome they received and with the smooth operation of events on the day.
There is a comprehensive report including pictures on the FULS website.
There was some discussion on the continued problems with our own website.
Kieran Hoare explained the current difficulties and suggested that pending the complete recommissioning of the website that he would produce a ‘blog’ site which would contain items of news and other information, and would allow for a response from members.
The committee agreed that this would be of great benefit.
Insurance for societies within the group scheme was discussed and Ruth Coffey said that their society had received a refund of €61 from O’Conner’s Insurance (our brokers) possibility related to enquiries related to this matter. There appears to be developing a situation where some societies have obtained cheaper insurance despite being outside the group scheme. It was agreed that Larry Breen Pádraig Laffan and Frank Taffe would persue this matter further with our broker and if necessary change our group insurance supplier or broker to get the best possible value for member societies. Relating the best cover to the costs involved. Pádraig agreed to talk to Liam Clare who had been instrumental in getting the original insurance package which was a considerable saving for members when first negotiated.
The Autumn Seminar on 30th October was discussed.
The title to be;
“Facilitating Historical Research and Preservation of Local Archives”
AGM 2011
There was discussion of forthcoming events including the next AGM.
There was general agreement on the plan to stage the AGM over a weekend in May 2011 in Kilmallock, and the proposal of the Diebert House Hotel seems to be satisfactory.
However the hotel’s suggested date of 7th may weekend should be changed to 21st Mayas first preference or 14th May as second preference.
Diebert is offering 2B7Band 2 evening meals for €140 with fully equipped meeting room hire for €100.
It was also agreed that for the actual AGM day (Saturday) we should have the hotel provide a more complete lunch for those who might only be able to attend that day .
They had offered a seafood platter at €9.50
The hotel is 9km from Charleville rail station. However they would provide pickup and
return facilities if we wished.
Pending these details it was agreed to try and promote this event intensively as a weekend event.
A North/South workshop will take place in the 2nd half of 2011
John Dooher of FULS is working on this. It is to be in Belfast.
As part of the joint Urban Experience the next event will be in Downpatrick in July.
This will be organised by FULS.
There was an outstanding suggestion by Fr. O’Doherty of a visit to York.
Members felt that this is an excellent idea but it would have to be postponed due to the number of events already scheduled. There was general agreement that this idea should be revisited later.
Financial Report
The chairman reported that the financial situation is little changed from last month.
As Dermot had been unexpectedly taken ill before this meeting a detailed report is not available right now.
Chairman reported that Frank Taffe has the next Journal almost completed. The usual difficulty of getting material from societies caused this delay.
There is a newsletter now prepared and this will issue shortly.
It was agreed tar we should produce two of these newsletters annually.
The meeting was completed by 1p.m.
Next meeting as per above to be on December 11th2010 at Collins Barracks
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