Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Local History Review vol 15 (2010) out now
Local History Review 15 (2010) has recently been distributed to our members, and again it is due to the great work of our editor Frank Taaffe. Articles in this year's review include Joe Williams, "Katherine Tynan's Cobbler"; Maynooth Local History Group, "Manor Mills Maynooth"; Frank Taaffe, "The Knights of the Plough and the Rise of The Far Labourer's Movement"; Peadar Cullen, "The Westbys and County Wicklow"; Vera Hughes, "Thomas O'Neill Russell"; Colm Walsh, "Betrayed in Life and Death"; Bernadette Moran, "From Lynally to Durrow ... by Boat? ... Just one foot of Water ... "; Larry Breen, "Visit by Federation for Ulster Local Studies and Federation of Local History Societies to Brussels and The European Parliament"; Seamus Cullen, "A Divisive County Kildare Parliamentary Election from July 1892".
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Nollaig Shona
On behalf of the Federation President, Fr. Sean O’Doherty and the Executive Committee, we would like to extend seasonal greetings to all our members. We hope you all have a very Happy Christmas and that the New Year brings you all good health and happiness. We look forward to engaging with you all in 2011.
Larry Breen, Chairman
Also, the History Review has been published and sent out to all groups.
Larry Breen, Chairman
Also, the History Review has been published and sent out to all groups.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Cancellations due to the weather
Please note that Liam Clare's talk advertised for tonight has been cancelled, as has the Committee Meeting of the Federation planned for Saturday 11th December.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Lectures for the coming week around the country
Tom Moran, 'Irish Emigration - its history and expereince on the Irish people', Ballybrack & Killiney Historical Society, Parochial Hall, St. Alphonsus & Columba Church, Church Avenue, Wed., 8th Dec., 8pm.
Sean Duffy, 'King John and his Castles: Ireland in1 AD1210', Carlingford Lough Heritage Trust, Trinity Heritage Centre, Thurs. 9th Dec., 7pm.
Bryan MacMahon, 'Richard Crosbie, Ireland's pioneer of balloon flight', Kilmacud Stillorgan Local History Society, Glenalbyn Sports Club, Thurs. 9th Dec., 8pm.
Liam Clare, 'Enclosing the Sugar Loaf Mountain and Bray, 1820-1870', Enniskerry Historical Society, Powerscourt Arms Hotel, Thurs. 9th Dec., 8.30pm.
Sean Duffy, 'King John and his Castles: Ireland in1 AD1210', Carlingford Lough Heritage Trust, Trinity Heritage Centre, Thurs. 9th Dec., 7pm.
Bryan MacMahon, 'Richard Crosbie, Ireland's pioneer of balloon flight', Kilmacud Stillorgan Local History Society, Glenalbyn Sports Club, Thurs. 9th Dec., 8pm.
Liam Clare, 'Enclosing the Sugar Loaf Mountain and Bray, 1820-1870', Enniskerry Historical Society, Powerscourt Arms Hotel, Thurs. 9th Dec., 8.30pm.
Galway Archaeological and Historical Society Lecture - 13th December 2010
Harbour Hotel, Dock Road Galway
13th December 2010, 8pm
Dr. John Cunningham, 'Unlikely Radicals:
Irish Post-Primary Teachers and the ASTI 1909-2009.
13th December 2010, 8pm
Dr. John Cunningham, 'Unlikely Radicals:
Irish Post-Primary Teachers and the ASTI 1909-2009.
A hundred years ago, at the time when the ASTI was founded, post-primary exucation was a small and exclusive redoubt in the Irish education system, which was an option for only about one in ten of those boys and girls who finished primary school. Most secondary schools were run by religious bodies, and conditions for the lay teachers who worked in them were very poor.
The founders of the ASTI, who included Eamonn de Valera, 1916 leader Thomas McDonagh and feminist republican Mary MacSwiney had a number of far-reaching objectives. They wanted job security, a recognised pay scale, and pension rights, they wanted to have some say in the running of their schools and in education policy generally; they wanted to broaden access to secondary education.
At a public lecture in the Harbour Hotel on Monday 13 December at 8pm, under the auspices of the Galway Archaelogical and Historical Society, Dr. John Cunningham will describe the Irish educational circumstances of a century ago, and examine the role of the ASTI in Irish education during the decades since then.
Dr. John Cunningham is a lecturer in History at NUI Galway. He is the author of several books including Unlikely Radicals, post-primary teachers and the ASTI, 1909-2009 (Cork, 2009) and 'A town tomented by the sea': Galway 1790-1914 (Dublin, 2004). He is currently editor of Saothar: Journal of the Irish Labour History Society and assistant editor of the Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society.
Fohenagh Local History Society Field Trip to the Clonbrock Estate

The tour began with a visit to the Big House, how abandoned, but still showing signs of what it must have been like in its glory days. It had unfortunately been damaged by fire in the 1980s. A visit to the unique Photograph House proved to be fascinating as it was still very much intact and picturesquely set among trees and former gardens. The Dillons had been something of pioneers in thte early days of photography and produced many important prints which are now in the National Photographic Archive. It was interesting to see the impressive huge walls of the original walled gardens wtill very much intact and the remains of whaat was an old swimming pool. It was a real trip down memory lanr to see the stables where in more regal times horse-drawn carriages would have graced the scene. Then there was the old farmyard buildings, still there and in fact some restored and now inhabited by Robuck Ffrench. As on most large estates of the time there was an Ice-House where at times food was kept cold with ice taken from the nearby frozen lakes or transported all the way from Dublin. It was surprising and very encouraging to see the impressive 14th century Clonbrock Castle being restored by its present owners, Jonathan and Beverely Baylis, who kindly met the group to explain the progress on its restoration.
It was a most interesting and rewarding experience to taste what life would have been like in a unique period of Irish country life. During the walk Frank Gavin entertained the group with many stories of life on the estate including the story about what is still known locally as the "Dinner Field".
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Tower of Strength
Community Historian, Brendan Matthews for Millmount Museum, Drogheda Co. Louth, has written the following article.
Tower of strength
Tower of strength
The beginning of the 19th century again brought major changes to the town of Drogheda.
The population was on the increase and a town of major industrial importance was emerging. Corporation records show that many of the older buildings were being demolished, new roads, pavements and streets were being laid down; many of the fine buildings, that survive to this day, were constructed around this time, while there is even a mention of the building of public toilets on the `new quay` at the foot of Stockwell lane.
At one meeting, the corporation ordered that there would be no more money paid for road repairs in the town until the `Dikes` at each side of the road was filled up.
The meat market was still in the possession of the military throughout the summer of 1802, however the Barrack Board finally surrendered the premises back to the corporation by the end of October of that year.
Throughout the year of 1803, the corporation were still hoping to secure a more permanent base for the military and a number of locations were proposed at several assembly meetings, including a premises situated to the west of West Gate and; at a specially held meeting of the corporation, held at the end of November 1803, it was resolved that they were ready to grant, free of rent, St. Laurence’s Gate to the English Government for the use of a `Military Post`.
By the spring of 1805 there was also a large force of reserve soldiers within the town who had been enlisted from Drogheda and the surrounding area.
The Act of Union came about in the year 1800, which abolished the Irish parliament and united Britain and Ireland into one Kingdom under one parliament; however this resulted in Great Britain’s domination over her smaller, poorer neighbour.
Britain was also involved in the Napoleonic Wars against the French and, it was during this period (1804-1812) that the structures known as Martello Towers were erected along the southeast coast of England and the east coast of Ireland as a defensive mechanism against a threatened Napoleonic invasion of these islands.
The towers were first introduced in the 15th century around Corsica to protect coastal villages and shipping from North African pirates. Although the pirate threat subsequently dwindled, the Genoese built a newer generation of the circular towers at the end of the 18th century, which were then used to ward off later foreign invasion.
The origins of this new Martello tower came from the place-name of Mortella point, situated in the bay of St. Florent on the island of Corsica, which had a round tower based there in the mid 1790`s during the campaign of the British under Nelson whose flagship `Victory` was deployed there; ironically, Corsica was also the birthplace of Napoleon.
A Lieutenant Moore, in Nelson’s army, was so impressed with the structure of the tower at Mortella point that he had the plan adopted by the British, however the name `Mortella` was misspelled by a Captain Wolsely and the name was subsequently corrupted to that of Martello.
Back in Drogheda, in the summer of 1806, the corporation ordered that the `New gate` in Fair Street, and all the materials of wood and stone be taken down and sold at public auction. On the 17th July 1807, the corporation granted the freedom of the town to the, newly appointed, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and, subsequently under his orders, a Martello type tower was constructed on top of the great mound at Millmount.
This new Lord Lieutenant or British Viceroy to Ireland was one Mr. Charles Lennox, who was also the 4th Duke of Richmond. He had succeeded the Duke of Bedford as Viceroy to Ireland in April 1807.
Born at Gordon castle near Thirsk in Scotland on the 9th December 1764, Charles Lennox was a keen British soldier and politician. He became an army captain at the young age of 23 in 1787 and in 1789 he was involved in two duels, one of which was against the Duke of York who had accused him of `ungentlemanly behaviour`. In late 1789 he married Lady Charlotte Gordon, daughter of the 4th Duke of Gordon, and they had fourteen children, seven daughters and seven sons.
In the late 1790`s he participated in Naval engagements against the French in the West Indies and Gibraltar; however he was soon back in Britain after he became involved in several conflicts with his military superiors. It appears that Lennox also loved the `high life`, partying and heavy drinking. He also had a great love of Cricket and, it was he who, in 1786, offered his full backing and support to Mr. Thomas Lord on the opening of his first cricket ground and, although Lord’s cricket ground has been moved a couple of times since then, it was the backing of Lennox that provided the foundations for the best known cricket ground in the world. The first Lord’s cricket ground was opened in 1787.
Charles Lennox also became an MP for Sussex in England from 1790 until 1807.
On the 27th December 1806 he became the 4th Duke of Richmond after the death of his uncle the 3rd Duke of Richmond, who was also named Charles Lennox.
In April 1807 he became Lord Lieutenant, also known as, Viceroy of Ireland, succeeding Sir John Russell, the 6th Duke of Bedford and, on the 17th July of that year, he was granted the freedom of Drogheda by the corporation who also presented him with a gold box. In March of 1808 the corporation petitioned the Duke for £100, which was to be competed for at Bellewstown races; the Duke honoured the request and a grant for a King’s Plate of 100 guineas was subsequently competed for at Bellewstown in July.
It was also during this period, from 1808, that the corporation had granted the use of the Millmount complex to be used, yet again, as a Military Barracks and by the end of 1809 the Martello type tower was erected on the summit of the great mound and which was to become known as the Richmond Fort. Perhaps as a consequence of being responsible for the construction of the tower, the corporation again acknowledged the Lord Lieutenant by hosting a lavish banquet in his honour in January 1810 at a huge expense; the cost of which was debated at their monthly meetings. At a special general assembly meeting held on the 24th January 1810, the corporation were, `taking into consideration the ruinous state of the Mayoralty House and the necessity of its immediate repair` and, it was also ordered that, `the sum of £250.00 be granted to the Mayor to deploy the expense of the dinner given to his grace the Lord Lieutenant`.
Also at this time, there was a large force of officers and privates of the Wicklow regiment of the militia stationed in the town with the corporation expressing their thanks to this militia for their `very correct and proper conduct during their residence in this town`. The following May the corporation resolved that `a sum, not exceeding £700.00, shall be paid by the treasurer of the corporation to deploy the expense of repairing and furnishing the Mayoralty House`. It is also interesting to note that, the corporation ordered that St. John’s Gate, situated on the south bank of the Boyne and northwest of Millmount, be taken down and sold at public auction in October of 1810.
There has always been controversy on whether the Richmond Fort at Millmount was ever indeed a true Martello tower built under Britain’s National Defence Act of 1804 in anticipation of an Napoleonic invasion of these islands. The 4th Duke of Richmond, along with that of his predecessor, the 3rd Duke and also his successor, the 5th Duke, were all heavily involved in the wars against France and all three were involved with the surveying, planning and the erection of several of such towers from the 1790`s until the 1820`s.
In the later 1790`s, the 3rd Duke of Richmond was responsible for the surveying, map publishing and the erection of a number of the early towers on the islands of Guernsey, Jersey and along the south east coast of England. From the late 18th century, the towers were being constructed around Britain and were known under different names such as Coastal-batteries, Beacons, Watchtowers, Gun-batteries, Coastal-forts, Citadels, Redoubts, Round-towers, etc. and, subsequently, the name `Martello` was then applied as a universal term for any round defensive tower.
In 1803 Napoleon had subdued Italy and Austria and was preparing to invade Britain and, at this time, 74 Martellos, along with 3 circular fortresses were constructed around the southeast coast of England. After the defeat of the French at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, the threat from the French diminished a little, however, from around 1808 a further batch of Martello towers were also constructed. In total, 103 towers were built around the southeast coast of England between 1804 and 1812, with 29 of the 103 towers having been constructed between 1808 and 1812 and which were slightly larger than the earlier towers.
In Ireland, the majority of the Martello towers were erected between 1804 and 1806.
Originally there was 74 towers planned for Ireland, however the total number erected came to around 50, with 22 of them having been constructed around Dublin Bay and 14 of these were actually constructed between Sandymount in south Dublin and Bray in Co. Wicklow, while a number of towers were also located along the north Dublin coast as far as Balbriggan; perhaps giving us an indication that the British were of the believe that Napoleon was sending a fleet of warships to Dublin Bay.
The tower at Millmount was built in 1808/09 and a further two Martello type towers were constructed in 1812 on the banks of the Foyle river at Magilligan and Greencastle in Co. Derry, while a number of similar towers were also erected on the south shore of Galway Bay and along the Shannon River at places such as Banagher and Meelick, which were also built between 1810 and 1812. Martello towers were also erected at this time as far south as Cork Harbour. In fact, Martello type towers were constructed across Europe, Australia, the U.S.A, Canada, Jamaica, Mauritius and Sri-Lanka from the later 18th century up until the late 1850`s, when a Martello tower was constructed in Sydney Harbour as a protection against a proposed Naval attack by the Russians.
In 1854, the rifled breech-loading gun was invented by Sir William Armstrong, who tested this new artillery out on a Martello Tower in Eastbourne, Sussex, in August of 1860. The tower, which was already being lost to the sea by coastal erosion, was devastated and it became clear that such towers could not withstand this new rifled artillery firepower and so, from this time on, the Martello towers were discontinued.
Although the towers were built to `type plans`, there was local variations depending on the contractors employed and the materials available; however, most of the towers stood approximately 40 feet high, 35 to 45 feet in diameter and a single doorway situated some 15 feet off the ground and which was reached by means of a ladder. The towers had two floors and contained a garrison of around 25 men and 1 officer. The wall of the towers, facing the coast, were also thicker than the rest of the tower so that it could withstand heavy fire from ships. The majority of the towers in both Britain and Ireland were erected, almost at the waters edge along the coast; in fact, one third of all the towers that were built in England have been lost to the sea by erosion. It is also estimated that it took approximately six months to construct such a tower.
The tower at Millmount however, may have been deliberately constructed here by reason that Drogheda was a very important garrison town of the British Empire, thus protecting, not only the estuary of an important river, but also the town and its inhabitants. The sight of the tower would also have been a strong military statement by the British dominating, as it did, the surrounding town, countryside and coastal area. Prior to the time of the towers construction, the corporation of Drogheda were seeking to establish a permanent military barracks within the town and with the coming of the new Viceroy; the 4th Duke of Richmond, to Ireland in 1807, with his experience of such towers and fighting the French, along with a threat from Irish insurgents, the timing was right for such an undertaking in Drogheda.
The nearest Martello tower to Millmount was that of Balbriggan some 15km south-east of Drogheda; however, it is also possible that the Maiden tower, situated at the estuary of the Boyne was also used as a look-out post in these troubled times? The majority of the towers also had their guns placed on the roofs of the martellos, but at Drogheda the two, nine-pounder, guns were placed on a moveable platform beside the tower. The reason for this may have been that, the tower was already sitting on top of a great mound, being very much higher than any of the rest in Britain or Ireland and, placing the guns on the roof of the tower would not have been of any great benefit and, in fact, may have been a hindrance in any defensive situation due to the height at which they would have been placed.
The majority of the towers were also protecting the coastal areas, acting as Beacons for a proposed threat; however, the tower at Drogheda was in fact protecting a garrison and a prosperous town; a jewel in the crown of Britain’s policy in Ireland after the Act of Union less than a decade earlier. The topography of Drogheda and the surrounding area, including a major route-way to the north also made Drogheda a `Key Player` in these troubled times of the British Empire.
A stonewall parapet also surrounded the tower at Millmount protecting the gunners; while at the other towers the parapet was situated on the roof where it too protected the guns. It is clear that the tower at Millmount then was not just erected as another, `Martello` tower as a result of a proposed Napoleonic invasion, but rather that it was erected as a backup for the coastal watchtowers and that its line of defence was therefore the protection of the north-east territory and guarding one of the most important trade routes; that of the estuary, which, if fallen into French hands, would have been detrimental to Britain.
The Duke of Richmond was also very anti Catholic and a strong advocate of oppressive measures to subdue the populace and, after the rising of 1798 and the follow-up executions of rebels including that of Robert Emmett, the construction of the Richmond Barracks in Drogheda was also yet another symbol of oppression by Britain in Ireland and the erection of such a magnificent tower on top of the great mound also reflected a symbol of great strength to any future insurgency against the town.
Charles Lennox, the 4th Duke of Richmond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, was a very colourful character, to say the least. The tower at Millmount was aptly named Richmond Fort in his honour and his name will be synonymous with Drogheda as long as the tower remains. He left his position as Viceroy to Ireland in July of the year 1813; the new Lord Lieutenant being Charles Whitworth, also known as the First Viscount Whitworth. At a meeting held on the 16th July 1813, the corporation addressed a letter to `His Grace, the Lord Lieutenant Charles Lennox on the eve of his departure`, expressing their grateful thanks and acknowledging the great work that he had done for Drogheda at a time of great trouble and strife in the country.
After the 4th Duke of Richmond left Ireland, he and his family moved to Brussels from their family estate in Goodwood in Sussex and, again, this was due to the fact that the Duke was unable to maintain his estate as a result of his extravagant lifestyle.
While he was abroad he continued to participate in the Napoleonic Wars and in 1815 he was in command of a reserve force in Brussels. He was protecting that city in case Napoleon had won the battle of Waterloo. His command were also involved in heavy fighting with the French at this time, however, he himself was not involved in any of the fighting, preferring instead to have dinner parties with fellow officers.
In the year 1818 he was appointed Governor General of Upper Canada and, it was while he was on one of his visits to a small British Garrison, about 200 km from Quebec, in 1819, that he was bitten by a pet fox and died of rabies on the 28th August of that year; Charles Lennox, 4th Duke of Richmond, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland 1807 – 1813.
In Britain and the Channel Islands there are several places named Richmond fort and Richmond barracks in his honour. There was also a Richmond barracks in Thurles, Co. Tipperary named in his honour, along with a Richmond barracks at Inchicore and the Richmond Gatehouse at Kilmainham, which were also named after him. He also laid down the foundation stone for the erection of Nelson’s Pillar in Dublin in February 1808.
The towns of Richmond in Ontario, Richmond Hill, also in Ontario and the town of Richmond in Quebec were also named after him. Apart from the forts, barracks, towers, etc, there are numerous streets, hospitals, asylums, etc, named, not only in his honour, but also in the honour of his predecessor and uncle the 3rd Duke of Richmond, who also played a key role in the erection of the early Martello towers, while a number of other places, including a tower in Canada, are named after his son, also named Charles Lennox and who became the 5th Duke of Richmond after the death of his father in 1819.
Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee of the Federation of Local History Societies, held on Saturday, 18th September, Collins Barracks
Members attended representing all societies on the committee, with the following exceptions from whom apologies were received
Fr Seán O’Doherty (Hon President) Dermot Ryan (Hon Sec.) Frank Taffe (Hon. Editor).
Joe Williams was replaced by Joan Steed.
Chairman Larry Breen presided.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.
Arising from the minutes it was agreed that a booking would be made with National Museum at Collins Barracks for the four scheduled dates of these meetings.
These dates are to be;
Dec 11th 2010, March 12th 2011, June 18th 2011, and Sept. 10th 2011.
It was also pointed out by Pádraig Laffan that having a small number of meetings on fixed dates enables prospective members of the federation committee to have the extent of their commitment laid out in advance, which should assist in encouraging committee membership.
The Chairman Described the response he had had from the FULS committee and delegates concerning the recent Urban Experience joint North /South seminar.
He said that they described themselves as being overwhelmed wit the welcome they received and with the smooth operation of events on the day.
There is a comprehensive report including pictures on the FULS website.
There was some discussion on the continued problems with our own website.
Kieran Hoare explained the current difficulties and suggested that pending the complete recommissioning of the website that he would produce a ‘blog’ site which would contain items of news and other information, and would allow for a response from members.
The committee agreed that this would be of great benefit.
Insurance for societies within the group scheme was discussed and Ruth Coffey said that their society had received a refund of €61 from O’Conner’s Insurance (our brokers) possibility related to enquiries related to this matter. There appears to be developing a situation where some societies have obtained cheaper insurance despite being outside the group scheme. It was agreed that Larry Breen Pádraig Laffan and Frank Taffe would persue this matter further with our broker and if necessary change our group insurance supplier or broker to get the best possible value for member societies. Relating the best cover to the costs involved. Pádraig agreed to talk to Liam Clare who had been instrumental in getting the original insurance package which was a considerable saving for members when first negotiated.
The Autumn Seminar on 30th October was discussed.
The title to be;
“Facilitating Historical Research and Preservation of Local Archives”
AGM 2011
There was discussion of forthcoming events including the next AGM.
There was general agreement on the plan to stage the AGM over a weekend in May 2011 in Kilmallock, and the proposal of the Diebert House Hotel seems to be satisfactory.
However the hotel’s suggested date of 7th may weekend should be changed to 21st Mayas first preference or 14th May as second preference.
Diebert is offering 2B7Band 2 evening meals for €140 with fully equipped meeting room hire for €100.
It was also agreed that for the actual AGM day (Saturday) we should have the hotel provide a more complete lunch for those who might only be able to attend that day .
They had offered a seafood platter at €9.50
The hotel is 9km from Charleville rail station. However they would provide pickup and
return facilities if we wished.
Pending these details it was agreed to try and promote this event intensively as a weekend event.
A North/South workshop will take place in the 2nd half of 2011
John Dooher of FULS is working on this. It is to be in Belfast.
As part of the joint Urban Experience the next event will be in Downpatrick in July.
This will be organised by FULS.
There was an outstanding suggestion by Fr. O’Doherty of a visit to York.
Members felt that this is an excellent idea but it would have to be postponed due to the number of events already scheduled. There was general agreement that this idea should be revisited later.
Financial Report
The chairman reported that the financial situation is little changed from last month.
As Dermot had been unexpectedly taken ill before this meeting a detailed report is not available right now.
Chairman reported that Frank Taffe has the next Journal almost completed. The usual difficulty of getting material from societies caused this delay.
There is a newsletter now prepared and this will issue shortly.
It was agreed tar we should produce two of these newsletters annually.
The meeting was completed by 1p.m.
Next meeting as per above to be on December 11th2010 at Collins Barracks
Fr Seán O’Doherty (Hon President) Dermot Ryan (Hon Sec.) Frank Taffe (Hon. Editor).
Joe Williams was replaced by Joan Steed.
Chairman Larry Breen presided.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted.
Arising from the minutes it was agreed that a booking would be made with National Museum at Collins Barracks for the four scheduled dates of these meetings.
These dates are to be;
Dec 11th 2010, March 12th 2011, June 18th 2011, and Sept. 10th 2011.
It was also pointed out by Pádraig Laffan that having a small number of meetings on fixed dates enables prospective members of the federation committee to have the extent of their commitment laid out in advance, which should assist in encouraging committee membership.
The Chairman Described the response he had had from the FULS committee and delegates concerning the recent Urban Experience joint North /South seminar.
He said that they described themselves as being overwhelmed wit the welcome they received and with the smooth operation of events on the day.
There is a comprehensive report including pictures on the FULS website.
There was some discussion on the continued problems with our own website.
Kieran Hoare explained the current difficulties and suggested that pending the complete recommissioning of the website that he would produce a ‘blog’ site which would contain items of news and other information, and would allow for a response from members.
The committee agreed that this would be of great benefit.
Insurance for societies within the group scheme was discussed and Ruth Coffey said that their society had received a refund of €61 from O’Conner’s Insurance (our brokers) possibility related to enquiries related to this matter. There appears to be developing a situation where some societies have obtained cheaper insurance despite being outside the group scheme. It was agreed that Larry Breen Pádraig Laffan and Frank Taffe would persue this matter further with our broker and if necessary change our group insurance supplier or broker to get the best possible value for member societies. Relating the best cover to the costs involved. Pádraig agreed to talk to Liam Clare who had been instrumental in getting the original insurance package which was a considerable saving for members when first negotiated.
The Autumn Seminar on 30th October was discussed.
The title to be;
“Facilitating Historical Research and Preservation of Local Archives”
AGM 2011
There was discussion of forthcoming events including the next AGM.
There was general agreement on the plan to stage the AGM over a weekend in May 2011 in Kilmallock, and the proposal of the Diebert House Hotel seems to be satisfactory.
However the hotel’s suggested date of 7th may weekend should be changed to 21st Mayas first preference or 14th May as second preference.
Diebert is offering 2B7Band 2 evening meals for €140 with fully equipped meeting room hire for €100.
It was also agreed that for the actual AGM day (Saturday) we should have the hotel provide a more complete lunch for those who might only be able to attend that day .
They had offered a seafood platter at €9.50
The hotel is 9km from Charleville rail station. However they would provide pickup and
return facilities if we wished.
Pending these details it was agreed to try and promote this event intensively as a weekend event.
A North/South workshop will take place in the 2nd half of 2011
John Dooher of FULS is working on this. It is to be in Belfast.
As part of the joint Urban Experience the next event will be in Downpatrick in July.
This will be organised by FULS.
There was an outstanding suggestion by Fr. O’Doherty of a visit to York.
Members felt that this is an excellent idea but it would have to be postponed due to the number of events already scheduled. There was general agreement that this idea should be revisited later.
Financial Report
The chairman reported that the financial situation is little changed from last month.
As Dermot had been unexpectedly taken ill before this meeting a detailed report is not available right now.
Chairman reported that Frank Taffe has the next Journal almost completed. The usual difficulty of getting material from societies caused this delay.
There is a newsletter now prepared and this will issue shortly.
It was agreed tar we should produce two of these newsletters annually.
The meeting was completed by 1p.m.
Next meeting as per above to be on December 11th2010 at Collins Barracks
Report on our Autumn Seminar

The Seminar arranged for Collins Barracks Museum on Saturday 30th October proved to be very successful, with an almost capacity audience in the lecture room. 27 local history societies were represented and heard interesting and informative talks by Liam Kenny, Bridget Loughlin, Mario Corrigan and Ronan Colgan. The last speaker of the day, Ronan Colgan, is Editor and Chief of History Press and his talk concentrated on how publishers deal with manuscripts from receipt of the work until the printed book appears on the bookshelves.
The large attendance from as far apart as Westport, Co. Mayo and Co.
Clare would tend to confirm that the availability of public transport to a seminar venue is an important advantage for the holding of such events.
The large attendance from as far apart as Westport, Co. Mayo and Co.
Clare would tend to confirm that the availability of public transport to a seminar venue is an important advantage for the holding of such events.
In the photograph left to right. Liam Kenny; Bridget Loughlin; Ronan Colgan; Mario Corrigan and Frank Taaffe
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society now available
Volume 62 of the Journal of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society is now available at www.gahs.info . Articles include Liam McKinstry, 'Burnt mounds at Doughiska'; Liam McKinstry, 'The excavations of a ringfort and souterrain at Kilcloghans, Co. Galway'; Philip McEvansoneya, 'The 'Ardrahan' Brooch'; Paul McNulty, 'The genealogy of the Anglo-Norman Lynches who settled in Galway'; Nollaig O Muraile, 'The O Ceallaigh Rulers of Ui Mhaine - A Genealogical Fragment, c.1400 Part II'; Eoghan O hAnnrachain, 'The Lally Inventory'; Alf McLochlainn, 'Scéal i mBarr Bata?'; James Roy, 'Four Irish miniatures of the Persse Family, Moyode Castle, Co. Galway (continued)'; Paul Gosling, Sabine Springer, Moya Cannon and Joe Murphy, 'The grave of Eliza Murphy on Island Eddy, Co. Galway'; Padraig G Lane, 'Galway & Mayo fisheries in the mid nineteenth century'; Nollaig MacCongail, 'Fíoradh na Físe Gaelaí?'; John Dunleavy, ''Turbulent Priest'; Amandine Plantivaux, Arnaud Daron and Penelope Walker, 'Bee Boles at Moycullen' and Diarmuid O Cearbhaill, 'Bobby Burke and the Tuam Parish Council of Muinter na Tíre'.
Cathair na Mart 2011 - Now for Sale
Cathair na Mart 2011 is now available for purchase at http://www.westportheritage.com/ . Articles include 'The Addergoole 14 and Emigration' by Julian Frewen; 'Talk, Gossip, Yarns and Anecdotes: Folklore surrounding James Lynchehaun of Achill' by Patricia Byrne; 'An 'antiquarian policeman' in Mayo' by Maire Lohan, 'The History and Architecture of Rosturk Castle, Rosturk, County Mayo (Part 1), by Fintan Masterson, 'The amorous Irish peasantry - the original race, the happiest in the world' by Sean Magee; 'Notes towards an Outline of Rural labour Organization in Mayo 1850-1910', by Padraig G Lane; 'Deane's Western Architectural Gems' by Oliver Murphy; 'Michael T Hastings (1876-1972), Westport and Leenane', by Michael McGinley; 'Eamon DeValera and Major John McBride', by Anthony J Jordan; 'The De Burgo-O'Malley Tomb and Chantry Chapel at Ballintubber Abbey, Co. Mayo (Part 1)' by Jim Higgins, 'Lough Carra, Co Mayo (Part 2) (The Medieval and Post-Medieval Settlement', Fiona White; 'Island Funeral' by Ger Reidy; 'St. Colman's Church, Shrule' by Yvonne McDermott and 'A Bridge Too Far' by Noel O'Neill.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Strokestown Park House, in association with
the Centre for the Study of Historic Irish Houses & Estates at NUI Maynooth,
will present a series of public lectures at Strokestown Park House as follows:
Lecture 1: Wednesday, 20 October 2010 8pm – 9pm
Prof. Mary Ann Lyons, Head of History Department, National University of Ireland Maynooth
'Strangers to Citizens': Introducing the exhibition at Strokestown Park House
Lecture 2: Wednesday, 17 November 2010 8pm – 9pm
Diane Dunnigan, NUI Maynooth
Six to each townland: Return migration to Roscommon and the west of Ireland at the turn of the
nineteenth century: who returned and why?
Lecture 3: Wednesday, 15 December 2010 8pm – 9pm
Dr Terence Dooley, Director, CSHIHE, History Department, NUI Maynooth
What role for Strokestown Park House in the twenty-first century?
Lecture 4: Wednesday, 16 February 2011 8pm – 9pm
Ciaran Reilly, NUI Maynooth
The Strokestown Famine papers: what do they reveal about the Great Famine at local level?
Lecture 5: Wednesday, 16 March 2011 8pm – 9pm
Dr Karol Mullaney-Dignam, IRCHSS Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, NUI Maynooth
Music and dancing in the Irish country house in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
ADMISSION FEE: €10 per lecture or €40 for all five lectures
Payment by cheque only, made payable to ‘Westward Holdings’ and addressed to:
Strokestown Park House, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon. As places are limited, early
booking is essential. Bookings cannot be taken without payment of lecture fee which is nonrefundable.
All lectures will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
All enquiries to Strokestown Park House only.
Telephone: + 353 (0) 71 96 33013 E-mail: info@strokestownpark.ie
Strokestown Park House, in association with
the Centre for the Study of Historic Irish Houses & Estates at NUI Maynooth,
will present a series of public lectures at Strokestown Park House as follows:
Lecture 1: Wednesday, 20 October 2010 8pm – 9pm
Prof. Mary Ann Lyons, Head of History Department, National University of Ireland Maynooth
'Strangers to Citizens': Introducing the exhibition at Strokestown Park House
Lecture 2: Wednesday, 17 November 2010 8pm – 9pm
Diane Dunnigan, NUI Maynooth
Six to each townland: Return migration to Roscommon and the west of Ireland at the turn of the
nineteenth century: who returned and why?
Lecture 3: Wednesday, 15 December 2010 8pm – 9pm
Dr Terence Dooley, Director, CSHIHE, History Department, NUI Maynooth
What role for Strokestown Park House in the twenty-first century?
Lecture 4: Wednesday, 16 February 2011 8pm – 9pm
Ciaran Reilly, NUI Maynooth
The Strokestown Famine papers: what do they reveal about the Great Famine at local level?
Lecture 5: Wednesday, 16 March 2011 8pm – 9pm
Dr Karol Mullaney-Dignam, IRCHSS Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, NUI Maynooth
Music and dancing in the Irish country house in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
ADMISSION FEE: €10 per lecture or €40 for all five lectures
Payment by cheque only, made payable to ‘Westward Holdings’ and addressed to:
Strokestown Park House, Strokestown, Co. Roscommon. As places are limited, early
booking is essential. Bookings cannot be taken without payment of lecture fee which is nonrefundable.
All lectures will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
All enquiries to Strokestown Park House only.
Telephone: + 353 (0) 71 96 33013 E-mail: info@strokestownpark.ie
Dublin in the Medieval World
Dublin in the Medieval World
Studies in honour of Howard B. Clarke
John Bradley, Alan J. Fletcher & Anngret Simms, editors
This volume celebrates medieval Dublin. Among the many subjects and topics covered are the intellectual climate of Dublin in the 1970s, the exciting theme of cross cultural processes between the Scandinavian settlers and the native Irish, focusing on language, settlement structure, maritime warfare, politics, childhood and family. Another part of the book, extending over the high-medieval period, deals with spiritual and secular aspects of medieval Dublin providing new research on Christ Church Cathedral, St Mary’s Abbey, the hermits of St Augustine, intra-mural churches, Dublin castle, its medieval harbours, medieval land-use in the hinterland of Dublin, the meaning of a lost stone cross and late-medieval relics of Holy Trinity Church, as well as two textual editions consisting of the earliest recension of the Dublin Chronicle and the accounts of the Holy Trinity Guild. The final section includes representations of Viking and medieval Dublin in texts, maps and finally ‘Dublinia’, the medieval Dublin heritage centre. This book is very entertaining in parts as well as informative. It takes the reader effortlessly to the most recent frontiers of research. The book includes c.75 black and white illustrations and 10 in colour as well as a comprehensive bibliography.John Bradley lectures in the department of history in NUI, Maynooth. Anngret Simms is emeritus professor of Geography at University College Dublin and co-editor of the hugely popular Making of Dublin City Series and Alan J. Fletcher lectures in the department of English at University College Dublin.
Studies in honour of Howard B. Clarke
John Bradley, Alan J. Fletcher & Anngret Simms, editors
This volume celebrates medieval Dublin. Among the many subjects and topics covered are the intellectual climate of Dublin in the 1970s, the exciting theme of cross cultural processes between the Scandinavian settlers and the native Irish, focusing on language, settlement structure, maritime warfare, politics, childhood and family. Another part of the book, extending over the high-medieval period, deals with spiritual and secular aspects of medieval Dublin providing new research on Christ Church Cathedral, St Mary’s Abbey, the hermits of St Augustine, intra-mural churches, Dublin castle, its medieval harbours, medieval land-use in the hinterland of Dublin, the meaning of a lost stone cross and late-medieval relics of Holy Trinity Church, as well as two textual editions consisting of the earliest recension of the Dublin Chronicle and the accounts of the Holy Trinity Guild. The final section includes representations of Viking and medieval Dublin in texts, maps and finally ‘Dublinia’, the medieval Dublin heritage centre. This book is very entertaining in parts as well as informative. It takes the reader effortlessly to the most recent frontiers of research. The book includes c.75 black and white illustrations and 10 in colour as well as a comprehensive bibliography.John Bradley lectures in the department of history in NUI, Maynooth. Anngret Simms is emeritus professor of Geography at University College Dublin and co-editor of the hugely popular Making of Dublin City Series and Alan J. Fletcher lectures in the department of English at University College Dublin.
Kilmallock to revitalise it's medieval walls

Ambitious new conservation and management strategies for Kilmallock, one of Ireland’s most intact Walled Towns were unveiled earlier this month.The reopening of the local railway station and the development of a new heritage centre in the town are just two of the many potential projects earmarked for Kilmallock as part of the town's ambitious new conservation and management strategies.The Minister of State with responsibility for the Office of Public Works, Martin Mansergh, launched the Kilmallock Town Walls Conservation and Management Plan and Kilmallock Walled Town Public Realm Plan at a ceremony attended by members of the local action team, public representatives, local councillors and the public in Deebert House Hotel in the town.Initiated by Limerick County Council under the Irish Walled Towns Network Action Plan 2006-08, the strategies are geared towards developing a greater appreciation of, and access to, the historic town walls, and boosting local tourism.Among the potential projects and initiatives earmarked for the town is the development of interpretative facilities and looped heritage walkways and the reopening of the local railway station.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
"Historical Research and Preservation of Local Archives".
"Historical Research and Preservation of Local Archives".
AV Theatre, ( First on right ) Collins Barracks, Dublin, Sat., 30the October
10.30 a.m. Registration and coffee.
11.00 a.m. Liam Kenny, General Council of County Councils will give a talk on: "The Development of Local Government in Ireland and its published histories
12. 00 noon Brigid Loughlin, Heritage Officer, Kildare County Council "The Role of Local Authorities in Resourcing Local History Projects.
1 -2 p.m. Lunch break, delegates to make their own arrangements in the cafe
2. p.m. Mario Corrigan, Local Historian and Head of Local History Department, Kildare County Library, "Identifying, Recording and Preserving Public and Private Archives for Historical Research Purposes".
3 p.m. Presentation by the History Press in Dublin, Publishing Local History - A Guide for Local Historians.
The current featured exhibition at the Museum is the High Crosses of Ireland
Name (s) of Delegates……………………………………………………………….
Seminar Fee……..10 euro to be paid by Wednesday, October, 27th
Cheques payable to Federation of Local History Societies to be sent to
Dermot Ryan, Winter’s Hill, Kinsale, 021.4772729 or 086.8267656
"Historical Research and Preservation of Local Archives".
AV Theatre, ( First on right ) Collins Barracks, Dublin, Sat., 30the October
10.30 a.m. Registration and coffee.
11.00 a.m. Liam Kenny, General Council of County Councils will give a talk on: "The Development of Local Government in Ireland and its published histories
12. 00 noon Brigid Loughlin, Heritage Officer, Kildare County Council "The Role of Local Authorities in Resourcing Local History Projects.
1 -2 p.m. Lunch break, delegates to make their own arrangements in the cafe
2. p.m. Mario Corrigan, Local Historian and Head of Local History Department, Kildare County Library, "Identifying, Recording and Preserving Public and Private Archives for Historical Research Purposes".
3 p.m. Presentation by the History Press in Dublin, Publishing Local History - A Guide for Local Historians.
The current featured exhibition at the Museum is the High Crosses of Ireland
Name (s) of Delegates……………………………………………………………….
Seminar Fee……..10 euro to be paid by Wednesday, October, 27th
Cheques payable to Federation of Local History Societies to be sent to
Dermot Ryan, Winter’s Hill, Kinsale, 021.4772729 or 086.8267656
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Autumn Seminar
Our Autumn Seminar, “Facilitating Historical Research and Preservation of Local Archives”, will take place in Collins Barracks, Dublin, on the 30th October next. Details of speakers and topics, as well as how to book, will be available here in due course.
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