Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Historical Research and Preservation of Local Archives".

"Historical Research and Preservation of Local Archives".

AV Theatre, ( First on right ) Collins Barracks, Dublin, Sat., 30the October
10.30 a.m. Registration and coffee.

11.00 a.m. Liam Kenny, General Council of County Councils will give a talk on: "The Development of Local Government in Ireland and its published histories

12. 00 noon Brigid Loughlin, Heritage Officer, Kildare County Council "The Role of Local Authorities in Resourcing Local History Projects.

1 -2 p.m. Lunch break, delegates to make their own arrangements in the cafe

2. p.m. Mario Corrigan, Local Historian and Head of Local History Department, Kildare County Library, "Identifying, Recording and Preserving Public and Private Archives for Historical Research Purposes".
3 p.m. Presentation by the History Press in Dublin, Publishing Local History - A Guide for Local Historians.

The current featured exhibition at the Museum is the High Crosses of Ireland

Name (s) of Delegates……………………………………………………………….


Seminar Fee……..10 euro to be paid by Wednesday, October, 27th

Cheques payable to Federation of Local History Societies to be sent to

Dermot Ryan, Winter’s Hill, Kinsale, 021.4772729 or 086.8267656